I love big government.
I love congressmen and senators who get in and when they are done they get a huge pension and health care for the rest of their lives like kings and queens.
I love leaders who can't work with each other because they see the other side as the enemy.
I love the blame playing, non-cooperating they do.
I love the vote where all one side votes one way and the other side all vote the other.
I love the push to give, give, give, to everyone if they don't want to work, even if they can.
I love the people who just decide to let the government take care of them.
I love that our leaders are so busy shoveling the money out one door and printing it ever faster that they are bankrupting us.
I love that they are so busy helping everyone that they are hurting everyone.
Everyone has the answer to America's problems but no one seems to get anything done.
I would love to have people working to help people help themselves. The more they give the more they cripple people's desire to help themselves.
I'm lying. I don't think anyone loves it.
Maybe we could lease the government out to someone else....
But, why would we wish what we have on someone else?